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About Geronimo Law

Geronimo Law is a full-service law firm based in the Philippines, serving the globe. We have extensive track record in corporate practice, deals and M&A, PPP and infrastructure, banking, finance, investments, securities, venture capital, private equity, energy, blockchain, technology, ICT, digital economy, cross-border transactions, and novel, sophisticated, and complex transactions. We represent clients in various sectors and industries, including international trade, maritime, aviation, energy, ICT, health, government, state-owned enterprises, investment funds, mass media, and many others.

Founder and Managing Lawyer

Russell Stanley Q. Geronimo is a corporate lawyer and a finance professional. He has extensive private practice experience in big law, mid-size, solo, and in-house settings. He has served in all branches of government, i.e., executive, legislative, and judicial, and in their respective top-level offices, i.e., Office of the President, Senate, House of Representatives, and Supreme Court. He was a member of the banking, finance, securities, special projects, and tech practice groups of SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan. His areas of focus include banking and finance, deals and M&A, securities and investments, public-private partnership (PPP) and public infrastructure, energy and public utilities, venture capital and private equity, foreign investments, maritime, aviation, and tech practice. He is also a professor of law, professor of finance, author, and athlete.

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